Forensic Genealogy and DNA &
Genealogy and 30 Best Photo
Quizzes are must-haves for any
genealogist interested in creative
ways of solving family mysteries.
Forensic scientists and
genealogists share the same goal–
to find out who was who, and who
did what and when. In explaining
how to analyze photographs, to
mine databases, and to use DNA
analysis to reveal family history,
Forensic Genealogy emphasizes the
creative parts of an investigation
over the mechanics. Have you
ever thought of looking at the
edges of old photographs to find
out if they are from the same roll,
or the backs to place them in
chronological order? Have you
considered looking at a city
directory to figure out if your
ancestor and his wife lost any
children? How about using DNA
analysis to tie your family to the
history and politics of a religious
conflict? Click here for more
information on Forensic Genealogy.
DNA & Genealogy follows with the
details on what DNA analysis is
and how it can be used to reach
beyond conventional
documentation to find new family
relationships. DNA & Genealogy
has something for everyone, the
basics for "Newbies" just getting
their feet wet, as well as info on
cladograms and surname structure
for experienced researchers
already administering their own
surname studies. Everyone will
enjoy the interesting sidebars on
"DNA in the News" and "Weird
DNA" that include explanations of
cloning, gene, descriptions of the
DNA analysis of the Tyrolean Ice
Man, and the specifics of exo-
biology DNA. Click here for more
information on DNA & Genealogy.
Our 30 Best PhotoQuizzes CD is
based on the weekly forensic
photo quizzes we host on our
website. Whether you take
advantage of the hint provided
with each quiz, or you head
straight for the answer, you will
learn fascinating new techniques
you can use to analyze your family
pictures. You will never look at
an old photograph the same way
again! Click here for more
information on 30 Best
PhotoQuizzes CD.
The Dead Horse Investigation Click here.
See our slideshow of old photos on the website of The Wall Street Journal on dating old photos by Alexandra Alter, to be issued Friday, October 12, 2007. Read the hardcopy, too!
Forensic Genealogists Prove Best-Selling Holocaust Book a Lie April 9, 2008 Read more....
The Misha Defonseca Holocaust Fraud Case
The Amnesiac Benjaman Kyle
In August 2004,. a man was found
unconscious in the dumpster area behind
a Burger King outside of Savannah, GA.
He had been severely beaten. He was
naked, sunburned, and covered with red
ant bites. He had no identification.
The police, believing he as homeless,
brought him to the hospital, where he
recovered, except that he suffered from
amnesia and could not remember who he
The authorities named him B. K. Doe in
honor of the Burger King where he was
found. They already had a John Doe. Eventually he adopted the name Benjaman Kyle,
by which he goes by today.
Because he cannot remember who he is, Benjaman does not know his Social Security
Number. He cannot ge a job, open a bank account, obtain medical coverage, and
boarding an airplane is out of the question. He cannot even get a library card without
photo id.
Benjaman's fingerprints have been checked against the FBI's NCIC database, and he has
been DNA tested by the Center for Human Identification in Denton, TX. Neither of
these efforts have produced any matches. He appeared on the Dr. Phil television
program in October 2008, but no one came forward who recognized him.
In February 2009, when she learned of Benjaman's DNA matches to members of the
Powell DNA Study, Colleen Fitzpatrick offered to help Benjaman find his identity. She
has since been working hard to get his picture into newspapers, chasing down new
leads that come in, and bringing up to speed the many kind people who have offered to
help. She maintains his Wikipedia page at to keep
the general public up to date on the invetigation. Colleen hopes that with her help,
Benjaman will be able to find his identity in the near future, regain his Social Security
Number, and pick up where he left off before he